I've ordered some stuff online in the past few weeks, and my last order arrived yesterday. These are the things I brought:

These are the three wristbands I ordered on attitudeholland.com
They arrived about a week ago, and I've worn the first wristband on the picture - the spiked one, in case your eyes are really bad - everyday. At the Metropolis Festival last sunday, I also wore the wristband with the bats on my other arm. I got sunburned really bad, and now I have a stripe on both arms where the wristbands were, haha.
I am very, very happy with these wristbands. The brand, Bullet 69, has many more of them, with more studs, or in diffrent colours or prints such as checks, stars, skulls, piano keys, pretty much everything you can imagine.
The wristbands are made from real leather, so they will
- hopefully - stay nice and beautiful for a very long time.
I have also ordered two lovely items from the awesome Lithuanian site fansasmagoria.eu that arrived 2 days ago
I've ordered a jacket and a pair of bondage pants previously, and I need to say this: the shipping is great. Both my previous order and this one arrived in 7 days, whilst my order from attitudeholland arrived in about 14 days. Pretty strange, because attitudeholland is a Dutch site and I live in the Netherlands, and Lithuania is VERY FAR AWAY. But, anyways, let's get back to my order. I ordered this awesome sweater -which normally is €59,60, but it was on sale for €49,42 until the 30th of June- and this adorable Nightmare Before Christmas bag for €19,20.
The sweater is so cool. It has a tiny grey bat print allover the sweater, it has very long sleeves with lacing and eyelets, and you can simply zip them off if you want to. It also has a cute hood with tiny ears. I've worn it with sleeves yesterday and without today, and both styles create a whole diffrent look, which is handy if you - like me - like to play with diffrent styles. My little sister also loves my sweater, and my parents like it too.
My new Nightmare Before Christmas bag is also epic.
My little sister thinks it's cool, my mom thinks it's cute and my dad thinks it's creepy. I think it's the coolest bag in the universe. Everything I need fits in it - my mobile phone, the card I have to use in the bus/tram/underground (it's called an OV-chipcard here and everyone uses it to check themselves in when they use Publick Transport instead of buying a ticket, but I don't know if other countries have a simliar sistem) the small bag I keep my spare lenses, liquid for my lenses and my glasses in case I lose one in, and my wallet. And the bag is only 24 centimeters in diameter. I love it!
So, these where my orders. I'm sure I'll order new stuff online when I'm back from holiday, and I have to make a post about the presents I got on my 14th birthday (only 9 days left as a thirteen year-old, whoo). I hope you like my orders as much as I do, hehe.
Gasoline Diamond
PS: Tomorrow I'm going to pack my stuff, and we'll leave to the Czech Republic at Saturday, 4 a.m. so I really don't know if I'm going to be able to post more. In case I can't: See you in three weeks! You can always read my other post if you get bored or something.
I love your style
ReplyDeletexDaniëlle for MM ;)
Thank you ;)