Monday, October 3, 2011

My Hairdye Adventure Continues

Hello everyone!

I dyed my hair last weekend. In this new My Hairdye Adventure post I'm going to tell you all about it.

My original plan was to bleach my hair to a caramel-ish colour, and then dye it temporary red. I would then bleach my haur again after two or three weeks to a light blonde and then dye it dark blue. Well, it didn't go as planned. But it does mostly of the time. I didn't expect it to go this bad, though.

Together with a friend, I brought two jars of Directions hairdye in the colour 'Vermillion Red' which, on the sample, is a nice dark red, but not too dark, just a nice and warm wine red colour. It cost me about €14 euros, very cheap.
We also brought a container of dye-remover from Garnier (of however you spell it) for 13,99 euros, which I found rather expensive.

This is awesome
That evening, my mum put the dye-remover in my hair. The people in the shop had already warned my I had do get this done by a professional, but the last time I bleached my hair (you can read that adventure here, but the post is in Dutch) it worked out very well and I had a nice, light blonde colour in the end.
For one moment, I hesitated about buying one or two containers, but the container was pretty big so my friend and I figured it would be enough for my hair (I have very thick hair).

But, after my mom put it in and left it in for the maximum amount of time, it looked HORRIBLE. The part where the blach had grown out was almost white, the upper part of my hair was light brown, underneath it was blonde and the tips where still black.
So, the next day I went to my hairdresser and she fixed it for me. It took a long time, about three hours, because first she had do pre-pigment my hair red (I don't know it pre-pigmenting is a word, but it's how she called it and I've never heard of it before, either) because it would become green otherwise (green is a nice colour, but not the colour I was looking for) and after the pre-pigmenting she dyed my hair two shades lighter than black, so basically a very dark brown. She also wanted to give me highlights, but that would cost me €70 euros and that was a bit out of budget for me.

I still have the red hairdye and I think it will give my hair a nice, reddish shine, but before I dye my hair I'll do a strand test first, who knows what colour my hair could turn in this time.

It's sad it didn't work out the way I hoped, but I like my hair now. I might get the highlights later, but I want my hair to become nice and shiny again first.

So: Watch out with that dye-remover!

You'll hear form me soon

Gasoline Diamond


  1. Eigenlijk is dat haar op het plaatje best wel cool...alleen denk ik dat het mij niet zou staan :-$

  2. Da fuq, da's balen...
