Friday, July 13, 2012

Song Of The Week: Carry On Wayward Son by Kansas

Hello everyone,

This week's song of the week is Carry On Wayward Son by Kansas. The past month, I've been watching Supernatural almost non-stop (I'm currently halfway season 7) and this song is frequently used as a soundtrack. It might not be everyone's taste - my younger sister hates it - but I think the song, and especially the guitar parts, are awesome.
I found a non-official song meaning on Yahoo Answers, which is the most fucked-up site I've ever seen with really scary questions and even scarier answers ('I think my friend has caught the emo. Is there a cure and is it expensive?') but the answer to the question behind the meaning of Carry On Wayward Son sounds pretty good.

"[Carry On Wayward Son]'s a general spiritual song about life. Throughout the song, the singer hears (what I presume to be) the voice of God telling him to carry on through hardship and high points. "I was soaring ever higher" perhaps signifies the high points in the singer's life and the following "but I flew too high" may suggest a fall from grace. "Tossed about like a ship on the ocean" suggests being out of control and at the mercy of life's hardships and "I set a course for winds of fortune" could mean the singer's picking himself up out of a down period and moving on to a brighter future. The bridge (and the ending) "Carry on, you will always remember. Carry on, nothing equals the splendor. Now your life's no longer empty. Surely heaven waits for you." suggests that life was worth living through all of the experiences since, if the singer had not 'carried on' then life would have been meaningless."

You can find the lyrics to Carry On Wayward Son by clicking here. I also highly recommend watching Supernatural because the show is fantastic. Season one and two are, on a scale from one to ten, a five, but everything from season three to seven is at least worth an eight. Season eight is coming up soon, but I haven't found dates for the season premiere outside the US yet.

Sorry for my lack of posting lately. I'm on a holiday for three weeks this Sunday, but when I'm back I'll try to  post more regularly again. Thanks for reading and cheers!


Gasoline Diamond

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